Hampton Court 2023
Hampton Court is a key event on the APL calendar and the gardening publics. This beautiful show within the grounds of Hampton Court Palace is always a pleasure to be at.
The following page will explain what the APL are doing at the show and what its members are doing there too.

The Devils in the Detail
The APL have another garden feature.
This has been designed by Artform
Built by Hardwood landscapes, Bushy Business and Artform Landscapes.
It also couldn't have been completed without the support of the following people and companies.
Garden House Design, Cherry Carmen, Form Plants, Humblebee Gardeners, CED, Landscape Plus, Composite Prime, Steintec, Oase, Weatherit Ltd, Millboard, Bury Hill Top Soil and Growing Revolution.
APL Garden Feature
The Devils in the Detail
Reuse, recycle, up cycle and sustainability are all terms that are widely used within the design and landscape industry. This garden feature incorporates over 60% reused and recycled material, natural stone from the United Kingdom and a bio diverse planting scheme.
We are showing you that recycled materials will have some imperfections, but with professional installation can still look good.
However, included are a number of common faults sometimes found in newly landscaped gardens. Can you spot them?
Professional Landscapers and Designers will be on hand throughout the show to answer any questions you have. We are also hosting our Design and Landscaping Clinics 11am - 1pm daily.

The Devils in the Detail Answers
See the common faults HERE

APL members always enjoy building at Hampton Court and this year is no exception.
A third of the features and gardens built at Hampton this year will be done so by members of the Association of professional Landscapers.
So which ones are they?
The Inghams Working With Nature Garden.
Built by Acacia Gardens.
The Landform Mental Wealth Garden
Built by Landform Consultants.
The RHS Resilient Garden -Supported by ACO
Built by Landscape Associates
RHS Iconic Horticultural Hero Garden (Carol Klein)
Built by Landform Consultants
Medals awarded and more information will be posted on here when the show starts.