BBC Gardeners World Live 2023
A page of information from this years excellent BBC GWL held at the NEC Birmingham 16th - 18th June 2023.
The sun shone and so did the quality of all the gardens.

BBC Gardeners World is a flagship event for The Association of Professional Landscapers.
For the last 7 years we have been lucky enough to be allowed to host our APL Avenue at the show, thanks to the kind sponsorship from Immediate Events.
This year the avenue had 4 APL members.
TJ Kennedy and Kerriane Fitzpatrick with "The Beauty in Small Spaces"
Gold Award
Fenton Gardens Ltd with "Sub-Aqua"
Silver Merit Award
Adscape and The 3d Gardener with "Path of Renewal"
Silver Merit Award and Peoples Choice
New Look Landscapes and Katerina Kantalis with "The Chic Garden Getaway"
Silver Award
Katerina Kantalis Garden Design
Information on all the gardens can be found HERE
The show also featured three APL members feature Gardens.
DesignIt Landscapes "Liz Earle Beauty Co's Botanical Show Garden"
Designed by Lucy Bravington. GOLD Award & Best Construction
Liz Earle Beauty Co’s Botanical Show Garden - BBC Gardeners' World Live (bbcgardenersworldlive.com)
Keyscape/TASK " Newson Health Menopause Garden"
Designed by Ruth Gwynn. Platinum Award & Best Show Garden
Newson Health Menopause Garden - BBC Gardeners' World Live (bbcgardenersworldlive.com
MJL Landscapes "Urban Oasis"
Designed by Vicky Lincoln. Silver Merit Award
Urban Oasis - Wildlife Trust Competition Showcase Garden (bbcgardenersworldlive.com)
APL Winners Gallery
APL at BBCGWL 2023
Each year The Association of Professional Landscapers have a stand at the show. Most times we are simply promoting the members that are at the show itself.
This year we decided to do something different.

APL Garden Design Clinic
We invited members of the public to attend the Garden and Design Clinic each day of the show.
We were not sure how popular this would be, but we were shocked to see how many people turned up to the show with pictures, plans, problems and requests.
Our team of experts each day were inundated with topics of heavy soils, long narrow gardens and slopes.
It was fascinating to hear what people were doing and immensely enjoyable to be able to help.
A big thank you to all that supported us on the stand.

Rupert Keys - Task
David Sewell - Task
Shaun Beale - Aura Landscapes
Holly Youde - Urban Landscape Design
Susan Young - Susan Young Garden Design
Hannah Philips - HP Garden Design
Paul Greenyer - Inside Out Home and gardens Ltd
Herman Probati - Acacia Gardens
Karl Harrison - Karl Harrison Landscapes
Adam Vetere - Adam Vetere Garden Design
Dan Ryan - Design It Landscapes
Another Thanks
A huge thank you also goes out to Big Fish Landscapes for helping with the paving. BBC GWL Live (See you in the Autumn) for supporting us with the stand and imagery and finally Fullbrook Nursery for the supply of some fantastic plants.